Six on Saturday: Feb 24

Orchid “Carolee”, still alive after 11 weeks, a new record!

Happy Saturday to each and every one of you gentle readers! As you can see, winter came back overnight with one of those lovely snows that frosts each and every surface and makes the landscape clean and beautiful again. I’m starting with today’s photo of Orchid “Carolee” because I’ve had some inquiries about her. Yes, she’s still alive and not only that, seems to actually be thriving because she’s put on several more buds and has 4 new open flowers. I think she likes her new location in front of the kitchen window. I’d always thought a west window would be too bright, but apparently not. And she seems to enjoy sitting on a pile of pebbles covered in water. I’ve put a small mister beside her, and try to remember to use it once or twice a day as well. She’s right over a heating vent, so I’m fearful she’ll dry out to much, but so far so good. Eleven weeks is a new record for me with orchid survival!

“Cream Beauty” crocus

Yesterday it was full sun and sweatshirt weather, a bit cooler than it had been earlier in the week but still lovely to be outdoors for a walkabout, tempting one to think/hope that Spring was on its way. HA! Nevertheless, I was out looking for positive indications that winter might be nearly over. There were a few crocus in the Front Garden that the chipmunks and voles apparently missed, but so far not the hundreds that were there last year. These are “Cream Beauty.”

Iris reticulata

These striking blue Iris reticulata are always the first ones to bloom, which puzzles me because they are in full shade in the Blue Garden. There are many others around the gardens that get lots of sun, so one would think those would warm up earlier and thus bloom earlier, but that’s not the case. These love their dry conditions, are seldom if ever covered in snow or get rain because they are under an overhang. I can’t explain it, but they are obviously happy there. I recall last year putting “divide the crowded iris reticulata in BG” on my job list, but apparently I never got around to it, so it goes back on the list again. These are getting too thick, so I will lift them next fall, divide and replant.

Unknown variety of pink hellebore

Another member of the “Blue Garden” even though it is not blue is this pretty pink hellebore, which is just about to open. I’d think it would need more water than it gets here, but it’s been happy for several years. It does throw LOTS of seeds, so I always worry that maybe it senses that there’s trouble there but so far she seems okay.

The first primula to bloom for 2024!

Back along the Primrose Path, behind the Lady Cottage I found this white primrose in bloom, although looking a little worse for wear with dirt on her face and some brown leaves here and there. Brave little soul, as none of the other primroses even have buds. There were lots of other indications that plants are up and growing, but no more flowers so the sixth photo must be another indoor shot.

The second Amaryllis “Picotee”

I think I posted a photo of the first Amaryllis Picotee several weeks ago, and said it had been disappointing because the blooms were small and there was barely a hint of red along the outer edges. This is the second bulb, and the flowers are quite a bit larger and the red a bit more pronounced and there will be more blooms. I’ll mark its label and try to have it bloom closer to Christmas next year.

So there you have it! The first “Six on Saturday” post for 2024. I’m looking forward to seeing what other folks have to offer. Of course gardeners in warmer zones already have daffodils and lots more blooms, but up here we’re still dealing with those “now it’s winter, now it’s not” days that get so frustrating because we are itching to plant seedlings and seeds in the gardens proper, not just tend them in the basement or on windowsills. So post those photos, and be sure to link them to the “SOS” meme .

About carolee

A former professional herb and lavender grower, now just growing for joy in my new potager. When I'm not in the garden, I'm in the kitchen, writing, or traveling to great gardens.
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3 Responses to Six on Saturday: Feb 24

  1. Yes, finally Spring is on her way with those first crocus blooms. Mine are the egg-yolk yellow, soon to be followed by the blues/purples. Tulips later. That’s in the front dooryard garden bed. I’ve not been out to examine the other garden beds yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. bcparkison says:

    Snow???Oh my we don’t need that. Our temps are still up and down but hopefully will level out soon and not just jump into Summer hot. Only thing here blooming are the yellow Daffs which I love seeing out in the wild. Maybe a few hints of red leaves coming out on the Elm, or is it Ash? All we can do is stay in the game and we will win soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A lovely selection. It’s hard keeping up with the weather over there! Here it’s just mostly wet – all the time.

    Liked by 1 person

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