What happens if….

it rains 16 out of 18 days?

  1.  The Gardener gets very grumpy, watching the fields flood and the mulch washing away.  The area farmers will have to replant hundreds of acres once it dries out, and planting in general is falling way behind schedule.
  2.   The plants in the gardens can’t grow because it is so cool and gray; some give up and rot.  Some are eaten by critters forced out of their usual areas by high water.
  3.   There is so much standing water that the metal post holding our satellite dish that hosts the internet rusts enough that the 55 mph winds break it loose!  Now the gardener can’t even lessen her frustrations by reading fellow gardeners’ blogs, or post any of her own.
  4.   Those same winds pull all the tulip petals off.  They blow across the lawn like orange autumn leaves, leaving bare stems.  Good-bye spring.
  5.   Containers must be moved from the patio.  The rain puddles are deeper than the drainage holes and plants are sagging in defeat.
  6. The satellite dish repairman finally comes and attaches the dish to the side of the gazebo…not attractive but faster than pouring new concrete in waterlogged soil.
  7.   The gardener reads a few blogs and contemplates her next post, fearing that her readers may suspect she has drowned, but has to turn computer off due to a large, noisy thunderstorm.
  8.   The next morning, there is no internet again.  The gardener despairs, and decides she might as well travel to see P. Allen Smith’s gardens in Arkansas.  It was well worth the trip.  (Photos to come later.)  It rained the entire 4 days she was gone.
  9.   Returning home after 9 p.m., the gardener smiles as the wind finally ceases, as well as the rain, but can she rejoice?  No, because clear skies forecast frost.  She covers all she can by the headlights of her pick-up truck and hopes for the best.
  10.   Not just frost, but a hard freeze envelops the area that night.  It turns the potatoes black and the broccoli leaves white.  All the soil blocks of plants in flats are frozen solid.  A day or so later the blackened parts have turned brown and the potatoes seem to be recovering with new green leaves.  The internet is still not working.  potatoes frozen
  11.   After hours on the phone with technicians, it is determined that the router for the wi-fi is fried.  Probably struck by lightning.  Drive to town (the big town where such things are available, not our local 3-miles-away town.)  A new router is purchased.
  12.   The rain returns.  Sigh!  More hours spent trying to get new router connected and working.  Technician on phone finally suggests the router may be defective and should be returned for a new one.  Another trip to the big town.  Ugh! Another day spent in tech-land rather than real land.
  13.   Finally squeezed in an afternoon of deadheading the soggy beds and borders, and seeded a few rows in the raised beds of the potager.  The broccoli is turning multi-hued with pink, purple and gold tones.  Is that healthier than white?broccoli frozen compressed
  14.   Dumped the frozen plants that did not recover and replanted.  There is a bit of actual sunshine in the late afternoon.  Not sure where the sunglasses are…they are probably antiques by now.
  15.   Forecast is for 80 degree temperatures and sunshine for two days before the rain returns.  The gardener would do a happy dance, but realizes she is scheduled for a colonoscopy and will be spending those two days indoors.  Then more rain coming.
  16.  On the plus side, 9 books were read in those 18 days, the internet seems to be working (knock wood!) and I’ve kick-started the new diet albeit it in a not very fun way.  There’s always a silver-lining in those storm clouds, if one searches!

About carolee

A former professional herb and lavender grower, now just growing for joy in my new potager. When I'm not in the garden, I'm in the kitchen, writing, or traveling to great gardens.
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22 Responses to What happens if….

  1. bcparkison says:

    Oh the life of a ‘farmer’ is a challenge. We are hard to please. If it is dry we want wet, if it is wet we want dry. If it is cold we want warm and if it is warm we wish for cooler. We just have to take what comes our way and tough it out. Hang in there. Now you know why my gardening is almost nonexistent. I do have a lemon tree in bloom and fruit trying to form.Yea!


  2. March Picker says:

    As I watch rain falling again here on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula, I commiserate with you! Certainly a growing season will arrive in 2017, yes? 😉


  3. Sharon says:

    Oh the definition of misery: rain, windy, no internet and then a hard frost. At least you’ve found a silver lining or two and the hardy plants are in recovery.


  4. OMG you have my complete sympathy and I laughed out loud in the airplane.


  5. And I thought I had it bad!! Thank you for a very funny post; I can almost totally relate; though here on the wet west coast we have not had frost recently, at least not in my neck of the woods. Nor any scheduled medical procedures! Touch wood, again. Hang in there!


  6. Margy Lutz says:

    Plants direct seeded in the soil have been very slow to sprout, but are making an effort. The last to come up are my beans, but they made it through all that soggy soil, finally. – Margy


    • carolee says:

      I think we are finally past the possibility of freeze or frost, and a few days of sunshine will make a great difference in the gardens and also my outlook! My seeded crops have also been slow (except peas of course) The first carrots are just breaking soil. Patience is not my greatest suit.


  7. It sounds like a nightmare! We have had the opposite problem here in the North of England – 2 weeks of no rain. It finally broke.yesterday and the garden is enjoying a couple of wet days. Hopefully the sun will return for us both very soon!


  8. The South West of England has been the same; our spuds going brown from lack of water! We’re far more used to the conditions you’ve endured so heroically – hope the weather improves now 🙂


  9. Annie says:

    I can identify with so many of these woes! Carry on…..


  10. Averyl says:

    We had incessant rain here in Maine, too. We are now finally enjoying a string of sunny days!


  11. sultanabun says:

    unladylike snort of laughter here. It’s not for lack of empathy, as an Irish gardener I am only too familiar with soggy ground, but for your wonderful style. Love it. Lynda.


  12. Ellen Wiley says:

    I feel your pain. The weather here has been ok but when I rang my sister back home in Norway last week they have had to resow 40 per cent of their crops as the weather has just been horrendous and so much of it has either drowned or been washed away.


    • carolee says:

      Area farmers are having to reseed here also, and many fields are still unplanted. No one made any hay in May, which is unusual. So glad I have raised beds so I can at least grow veggies!

      Liked by 1 person

      • patricia720 says:

        I have 21 raised beds and hopefully this week I can begin planting and cutting back the perennials when the rain stops. The and growing is very late this year, but Mother Nature does not rush but gets it done. Hoping all the gardens grow to please their gardeners.


      • carolee says:

        We gardeners learn to cope over the years. We have gone from almost daily rain storms to now beginning what appears will be a very, very dry June. Good luck with those 21 raised beds.


  13. Very fun to read. You have to have a sense of humor about nature if you like to garden. Keep it coming.


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