Six on Saturday: June 19

Summer Squash “Bossa Nova”

This week’s Six on Saturday is a selection of things in the potager that will be coming onto the menu very shortly. In fact, the first summer squash and cucumber have already been picked and will be part of today’s lunch! The potager beds contain a variety of summer squash, but only one plant of each. “Bossa Nova” is a new one for me, but it certainly looks promising and was the first to set fruit. “Fordhook” and “Jaune de Vert” are not shown but are blooming well.

Summer Squash “Sunburst”

2) “Sunburst” has been grown many times before, and always does well. This year’s plant is becoming loaded with baby “patty pan” shaped squashes, which will eventually turn bright yellow with deep green trim, but they can be picked even at this baby stage for tender eating.

Summer Squash “Ronde de Nice”

3) “Ronde de Nice” is a staple in the potager, not only because every true potager needs a few French veggies, but because it is one of my very favorites. As you can see, it is loaded with baby round (these are about tennis ball size already) fruits. I counted 7 on this plant, and it will just keep producing for months. I can start harvesting today, if I want!

Pepper “Feher Ozon”

4) Before you think we are only be going to eat squash all week, gaze upon this cluster of “Feher Ozon” peppers. I use them like any bell pepper fresh or frozen, or they can be dried once they pass thru the yellow to cream to orange to deep red stage for paprika. They are one of the most productive peppers I grow, and having four different colors make a package of pepper strips really easy. I just add a green pepper to the mix, and it’s a veggie rainbow! They are always the first to be picked, and still bountiful when the freeze arrives.

Tomato “Polbig”

5) The tomato above is “Polbig,” an early variety that is tried and true. It is golf ball size already, and not alone. The rain we are getting this morning should really help everything balloon quickly. There are marble sized tomatoes all throughout the potager, so it may be another good year. We won’t be eating tomatoes this week, unless I decide to make a green tomato salad…but soon!

“Parisian” cukes

6) Some of the “Parisian” cukes are already past the point of picking for cornichons. They are certainly going to be abundant again this year. As you can see, they are an heirloom that is not spineless, but a quick rub with a towel makes them smooth and tasty. The first one has already been picked. The vines have already climbed to shoulder height and the bees are loving all those yellow blossoms!

Sauteed summer squash and cucumber salad with fresh dill will be a nice change from all the lettuce, peas, snow peas, Napa cabbage and cabbage we’ve been eating for the past couple of weeks. Oh, and the strawberries which have been wonderful, but are just about finished. Eating seasonally keeps one filled with child-like anticipation, looking forward to what’s coming next. I’m constantly prowling through the potager, searching for what’s blooming or maturing. But I think seasonal eating also makes one really savor whatever is on the menu currently, because like the strawberries and snow peas, you know it may soon be gone until next year!

That’s my Six on Saturday for this week. To see what other gardener’s are doing or thinking or photographing, visit The Propagator, who hosts this meme.

About carolee

A former professional herb and lavender grower, now just growing for joy in my new potager. When I'm not in the garden, I'm in the kitchen, writing, or traveling to great gardens.
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8 Responses to Six on Saturday: June 19

  1. bcparkison says:

    Busy time for gardeners.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Going Batty in Wales says:

    Gosh your garden is way ahead of mine! But you have set my taste buds anticipating the delights to come!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m still watching mine grow. Please post and let us know how you like the Bossa Nova squash. I’d love to try some new squash. P.S. I love your posts!


    • carolee says:

      We really like the Bossa Nova squash, and it is certainly prolific! Nice and tender. Still, my favorite is the heirloom French one, “Ronde de Nice.” But, a variety is nice to give color and shape to a skillet of sauteed summer squash. Haven’t tried the “Jaune de Vert” yet, but it’s on the menu tonight!


  4. elderoaksfarm says:

    We eat seasonally over here as well. We had a few weeks of daily radishes last month, now we are in the daily bean phase which will last through the summer. Soon it will be summer squash and cukes!


    • carolee says:

      But isn’t it so exciting/fun/interesting to anticipate and watch what’s coming onto the menu, and I find we appreciate each one more, as we comment, “Well, enjoy it. This is the last of the snow peas until fall.” Or, “Look! The first tomato!” Lots more fun than just roaming endless grocery shelves!

      Liked by 1 person

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