
peas emerging  The first seeds sown outdoors in 2019 have emerged!  “Green Arrow” peas have sprouted and will soon be reaching their support fence.  The edging of miniature tulips on the left is filling in nicely, too.  pak choy emerging  And I can see a few short rows of pak choy “Bo Pak” and kale “Tuscan Baby”   emerging as well.  On the north fence, the “Sweet Magnolia” peas are popping up, too. pea Sweet Magnolia emerging  Seeing these new ribbons of green spurs me on to get the rest of the beds prepared for planting, but right now, some beds are home to the overflow of the hardening off benches.  plant overflow  Everything in the first two rounds of greenhouse flats is now outdoors, and the greenhouse is being refilled from flats in the basement.  There’s room to transplant again, but that won’t happen as long as good weather is the case.  We’ve had three consecutive days of lovely weather, and I hardly know how to behave!  Gardens are being tidied, shrubs clipped and plants moved at a hectic pace.  Daffodils are opening faster than I can record their names.  Even the rhubarb decided it was safe to peek out.  Rhubarb Apr 19  The leaves are only about the size of an egg, but they are definitely here.  Of course, my impatient self has already ordered 4 new plants, but it appears that two of the current  plants are not going to emerge, so additional plants aren’t really a bad thing.  And can one have two much rhubarb?  At $4.00 for 5 stalks, excess can be easily sold around here.  I think the new plants will go in the berry rows, rather than the soggy interior border where the rhubarb struggles.  I’d thought since they need lots of water, they’d be happy there, but in winter they are not.

There’s no sign of the broad beans, although I did find a single bean laying on the ground twenty feet from where they were planted when I cleaned the south interior border!  I wonder how that happened? shallots emerging The shallots are making top growth and the garlic is looking terrific.  The lovage shot up almost overnight to a height of 6″! Lovage emerging  I’d say Spring has definitely arrived, and although there may be a setback or two ahead weather-wise,  the forecast is looking excellent!  Hope the flowers are blooming wherever you may be!

About carolee

A former professional herb and lavender grower, now just growing for joy in my new potager. When I'm not in the garden, I'm in the kitchen, writing, or traveling to great gardens.
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13 Responses to Emergence!

  1. Island Time says:

    Congratulations! It is a wonderful time of year, not to mention overwhelming! Returning from a couple of days away, I found the wind had whipped off the protective cover from my Green Arrow and Cascadia peas; almost all of them gone! Eaten by birds I suspect. So sad. Have replanted and hoping for quick germination now that the weather has warmed up. Those robins, and grouse! Mice and squirrels; all hungry after the long winter I guess!


    • carolee says:

      I took the plastic off the poly-tunnel and found piles of beautiful spinach leaves wilting. Not eaten, just cut off and piles. Inspection shows a 3″ circle hole in the plastic chewed near the bottom. I don’t know who to suspect, but I share your frustration at losing your crops. Hope your replanted peas catch up quickly.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. bcparkison says:

    Ughh..When I walked into the hoop house this morning it was standing in water. shows how much the outside ground can’t hold any more. Hopefully it won’t drownd out the lemon tree.It is begining to bloom after it’s third time of trying to poop out on me. Never ending battle this gardening .


  3. Lucky you! You are weeks ahead of us (and we have 4-8 inches of snow in our forecast)! However, I did plant some peas yesterday as it was in the 60’s. How quickly our weather can change in the spring.


    • carolee says:

      I am feeling very lucky indeed, and sad for those whose winter is still gripping their gardens. The peas really won’t mind a blanket of snow. They’ll start to do their things and be ready to pop up as soon as the snow melts.


  4. That’s great! It snowed here tonight so I closed all the shades so I didn’t have to look at it. Hopefully it will be gone in the morning. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You are way, way ahead of us in central Maine. Yesterday, we got five inches of snow.


  6. Sharon says:

    Great progress. Some sunshine makes all the difference! I’m talking about emergence this week too, for me it’s the asparagus and the first year I can take a light cutting.


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